Dr Naimish Gandhi is our Practice Lead for Armed Forces Support.

Armed forces network single point of contact

The Armed Forces Network for Sussex and Kent and Medway has launched a single point of contact, afn.admin@nhs.net and 01273 403693, to support people, family members and carers of the armed forces community who are serving or have served.
The service, which is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, can provide advice, guidance and support on how to use the NHS, advise on veteran-friendly GP practices in the local area, signpost to social prescribing support and more.


The Armed Forces Covenant

An Enduring Covenant Between

The People of the United Kingdom

Her Majesty’s Government

– and –

All those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces of the Crown And their Families The first duty of Government is the defence of the realm. Our Armed Forces fulfil that responsibility on behalf of the Government, sacrificing some civilian freedoms, facing danger and, sometimes, suffering serious injury or death as a result of their duty. Families also play a vital role in supporting the operational effectiveness of our Armed Forces. In return, the whole nation has a moral obligation to the members of the Naval Service, the Army and the Royal Air Force, together with their families. They deserve our respect and support, and fair treatment. Those who serve in the Armed Forces, whether regular or Reserve, those who have served in the past, and their families, should face no disadvantage compared to other citizens in the provision of public and commercial services. Special consideration is appropriate in some cases, especially for those who have given most such as the injured and the bereaved. This obligation involves the whole of society: it includes voluntary and charitable bodies, private organisations, and the actions of individuals in supporting the Armed Forces. Recognising those who have performed military duty unites the country and demonstrates the value of their contribution. This has no greater expression than in upholding this Covenant


Togetherall have been supporting the UK Armed Forces for over 12 years, and during that time, have supported over 15,000 members of the Military Community.


NHS England and NHS Improvement have now enhanced the partnership to provide an online counselling service to clients of OpCOURAGE, the Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service.


The Live Therapy service will expand the capacity of the current commissioned veterans’ mental health services and will help to address waiting times which have seen an increase in demand resulting from both the COVID-19 pandemic and a decrease in charitable services.


Over many years of experience, Togetherall has seen the benefits of combining its online and moderated peer-support model alongside courses of CBT and other forms of counselling. Individuals can benefit from the support of the community while waiting for, during, or following discharge from counselling.


Treatment will be delivered through the digital therapy provider, Dr Julian, working in association with Togetherall. We made the decision to work alongside Dr Julian after a detailed assessment of their experience and capability to provide Step 3 psychological CBT and Counselling therapy. 


Clients will be offered eight sessions of therapy (online remote video, audio, or instant message appointments). Dr Julian provides clients access to therapists that may meet specific cultural and language requirements for minority groups and access to appointments at times that suit them, with operating hours across 7 days a week. 


How can my Veteran patient’s access one-to-one therapy?


Veterans can access Togetherall’s Online Therapy with Dr. Julian through participating TILs. Firstly, a referral (or self-referral) is made to the local Op COURAGE, where the Veteran will be assessed for suitability and referred to an appropriate service, which could include Dr Julian. You can find out more information about the Transition, Intervention and Liaison Services (TILs) and OpCourage via the NHS website.