7 day Blood pressure readings

  • Systolic is the first number and Diastolic is the second number.
  • Measure from the upper arm using an accurate device. It is very important that your arm is supported on a table, with a small cushion if necessary and that the cuff around your arm is at the same level as your heart.
  • Take your blood pressure a quiet place whilst seated, wearing short sleeved or loose fitting clothing with your arm and back supported, legs uncrossed and whilst you are not talking - talking and crossed legs increase blood pressure.
  •  Always use the same arm.
  •  Take two consecutive readings, at least a minute apart, morning and evening for 7 days recording the lower of the two readings onto the BP log sheet. 
  • Once you have completed 7 days of measurements and added your name and date of birth, please press submit 
  • If you prefer please download the paper copy from the button below, fill it in and hand to reception

Download and print paper copy

How to take your blood pressure


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Blood Pressure readings
Average Systolic reading
Average Diastolic reading

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Once you have submitted your readings here are the actions to take on the result

If your average comes out at 135/85 or below you do not need to do anything.

If your average comes out between 135/85 and 180/100, or you are consistently record readings above:

140/90 (under 79 years old) 
150/90 (over 80 years old)
140/80 (for diabetics)

Please complete an eConsult during our opening hours, or call the surgery. 

If you get readings that are consistently above 200/100 please attend A +E