PPG Minutes – 13th November 2024



  • LB – Chair,         
  • AC – Vice Chair        
  • KG
  • JK
  • PyC
  • LL

Practice team

  • UB
  • JF

Meeting started: 6pm


  • VM
  • JM

Review of minutes

  • Lb mentioned the survey and take up, and Practice advised that there will be an PCN survey out in the near future.
  • LB went through the actions and PPG fed back on policy for recruitment and questions for interview.
  • Review of the e-consult use and issues that have been raised.

Review of the health and wellbeing day

  • Less of a turnout for Longfield day, LB mentioned bus not being there, parking an issue.  Discussion on the next venue, need room for parking. Venues discussed, Longfield Academy, Hartley Village Hall doesn’t have parking.  Refocus the event on wider issues on health and wellbeing. So perhaps session on mental health support for young people.  People in ARRS roles, who can give a talk. Drug and Alcohol, Autism South East.  
  • Una to contact pastoral lead at Longfield Academy to ask if they were doing a similar PHSE event.

Membership and elections

  • Suggestion of inviting younger people and people from different ethnic groups to join us as guests to get their opinions. But for more permanent members, we should ensure the interview process is robust and transparent about the results.  Advertise in schools for new members of the PPG, to ask parents who might want to be involved.  AC to put a paragraph together for approval for adverts.
  • Will need to short list to find out people who might not be appropriate. 
  • PyC agreed to take notes as secretaries.

Update from practice

  • New salaried Doctor started last week, one day a week, Dr Attack, he works at another practice.
  • New person called Sam, health and wellbeing coach, new to the PCN for three days a week. Care Navigation, some mental health support. Can support with a range of issues.
  • Paper e-consults have gone, has worked well. This has been accepted by people as the new way of working.  Makes it easier to triage.
  • Advert out for an advanced nurse practitioner for the last two months. Hopeful, to get someone in. New receptionist starting in December, with an interim covering for now. 
  • Call rates are busier and sickness with staff. Locums are now more available. 
  • LL, asked if they were a training practice. Team confirmed that they are hoping to go back to this, but trying to fit the rooms in to support bringing this option back.


  • Article from Sam about what he does and how he can help people.
  • Advert for ANP
  • Figures attendance, DNAs, e-consult
  • Results of survey – overview.
  • Advert for membership of PPG Committee
  • Update on the improvement programme, how to order repeat medication. 

Discussion on Funding

  • LB asked about printing funding – practice confirmed that they could print the copies, the pharmacy, library. LL suggested that we go to Hartley Reproduction to ask if they would fund, they can add an advert.
  • Agreed we didn’t want to have a fund-raising group. So for small printing asks we can ask local practice, for larger prints, need to ask for printers to sponsor.


  • LB spoke about the PPG board, practice asked who could come and support? LB agreed to ask JM if she would do it for New Ash Green.  Ask wider PPG committee if they would do Longfield.

Meeting ends: 7.45pm

Kent House Surgery
36 Station Road

Telephone: 01474 702 127

New Ash Green Surgery
New Ash Green

Telephone: 01474 873 828