PPG Minutes – 30th August 2024



  • LB – Chair      
  • AC - Vice Chair       
  • LL
  • HC
  • JT
  • PC
  • VM
  • PyC

Practice team

  • UB
  • JF

Meeting started: 6.30pm


  • KG
  • JM

Attendance and apologies

  • LB welcomed the members and acknowledged absence from KG and JM.

Review of minutes

  • LB read through the minutes and then updated the committee on our work and what we can do.

Overview of the Health Day in Hartley

  • Committee agreed that the day went well, although the Longfield Poly Clinic did seem to want us to drum up business. They held their own health day later on. Committee agreed we should not be favouring a private provider to put on health days, we should rely on NHS/Statutory services for help.
  • Discussion was had about the difficulty in getting younger families involved and coming along. JT said that she had attended the Community Hub in the Village Hall to talk to people about the PPG. Suggested that we try and visit primary schools and craft fairs. PPG to think about opportunities to take part in events that are specifically for families to raise awareness.

Practice update

  • Practice talked through their trialling of a new Econsult process, where the times are changed to see if that spreads out the demand. They are still experiencing the same number of enquiries via telephone, but not so many people coming in to speak to reception in person. For those people that do, they are offered a private room for privacy.
  • The Practice is part of an ICB project and has been very successful in getting people to use the NHS App. LL suggested that the practice looks to promote how well they are doing with people using the NHS App.
  • JT asked UB how many doctors they have on in a day. There were 4 or 5 on Monday’s in Longfield, as the beginning of the week is their busiest time. Fewer Drs on Friday and they are based at New Ash Green. Two are full time and two are part time. They also have a nurse practitioner on Wednesdays.
  • LB asked about the use of Pharmacy First campaign – Surgery is promoting their services to take the pressure of appointments. There is a new member of staff for the Primary Care Network, Charlotte, who works as a Care Coordinator and supports people with learning disabilities and long term conditions.

Survey and patient feedback

  • LL noted that the practice survey from national team had come out and wasn’t a particularly representative sample. LL asked if we could have the background questions on the survey and patient views. JF said 268 patients were sent a survey and only .08% of the patient population of the practice.
  • PPG agreed to choose questions from the survey to send out to patients, both in paper form at the practice and online via the website, to see if we can get further feedback. PPG particularly interested in people’s views on EConsult.
  • JT suggested we could take the survey to groups to get people to fill it in. JF said that some people would not want to, as they would be worried about repercussions. Survey must be anonymous.
  • Practice confirmed it wouldn’t make a difference, even if they knew the person. Only had cause to de-list one patient.


  • Practice asked if PPG could help with another newsletter, which could contain a myth buster around the number of patients seen face to face each day, Patients can still telephone for appointments if they can’t use EConsult and the conditions the pharmacy can see you for, including sexual health, contraceptive pill, health checks, sore throats, UTIs etc.
  • Practice explained that the flu clinics were booked for 5, 12 and 19 October and asked the PPG to support with marshalling. 
  • LB to send email to get volunteers.
  • VM raised an issue with a person living in a car, she tried to get help from the practice for him and apparently the experience was very bad. JF agreed to look into it.

Meeting ends: 7.45pm

Kent House Surgery
36 Station Road

Telephone: 01474 702 127

New Ash Green Surgery
New Ash Green

Telephone: 01474 873 828